A.B.C. Films


A.B.C. Films
Start date
End date
Volgens Vande Winkel (2017) moest ABC Films in juli 1941 permanent sluiten onder het Duitse beleid. Hier zien we dat er na 1945 weer films verdeeld worden door hen, dus mogelijks na het einde van WOII opnieuw aan de slag gingen.


Charity (1919)
Company type
distributor Source
N/A (N/A)
Company type
distributor Source
Vengeance de Tzigane (1910)
Company type
distributor Source

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The database behind Cinema Belgica is the result of the integration of a series of separate datasets, which were often built in the context of academic research. For an overview and the history behind the Cinema Belgica database, see https://www.cinemabelgica.be/s/cinemabelgica/page/datasets-and-partners.

If you reuse this database, please include our identifiers with the full URI, thus attributing the data to the source. If you publish about this database, you can reference this database as follows:

Daniël Biltereyst, e.a. "Cinema Belgica: Database for Belgian Film History," https://www.cinemabelgica.be, consulted on 2025-02-23, https://data.cinemabelgica.be/company/751.
Biltereyst, Daniël, Philippe Meers, Dries Moreels, Julia Noordegraaf en Christophe Verbruggen. "Cinema Belgica: Database for Belgian Film History." https://www.cinemabelgica.be. Consulted on 2025-02-23.